Let’s Be Real For A Minute

Despite public figures like Simone Biles, Meg Thee Stallion, and Naomi Osaka openly speaking about their mental health journeys and copious resources on how to talk about mental health, there is still a significant stigma attached to mental and behavioral health issues.

In a May 2023 article in the LA Times, there was an outline of a step-by-step process on how to talk to your manager about your mental health struggles. The article also noted, very prominently, that you should only do so if it is absolutely necessary; such as if you need an ADA accommodation or if it is directly impacting the quality of your performance/work.

As a mental health professional and seasoned HR practitioner I cringe at this advice, but simultaneously accept that it’s correct. How do we destigmatize mental health while also getting people the access and care they need? Let’s be real for a minute and break down some ways that we can step up and destigmatize mental health.

1. Education and Awareness: Increasing public knowledge about mental health conditions, their prevalence, and their impact can help dispel myths and misconceptions. Providing platforms for individuals to share their stories and experiences empowers them and helps others realize they are not alone. Peer support groups, online communities, and helplines can offer invaluable support, reducing isolation and fostering resilience.

2. Language Matters: Using respectful and non-judgmental language when discussing mental health is paramount. Avoiding derogatory terms and stereotypes helps to humanize individuals experiencing mental health challenges and fosters empathy and understanding. In her TikTok series, “You’re Using That Word Wrong”, Dr. Raquel Martin touches on people using mental health terms incorrectly, such as antisocial versus asocial.

3. Supportive Environment: Creating an inclusive and supportive environment at workplaces, schools, and communities can make a significant difference. Implementing mental health policies, offering counseling services, and promoting work-life balance all can contribute to a culture that values mental well-being. One way to cultivate a supportive environment is to become certified in Mental Health First Aid. This certification course trains laypersons on how to support others and about mental health and substance issues. You can research and find a class near you here.

4. Accessible Treatment: Improving access to mental health services is crucial for destigmatization. By ensuring affordable and accessible treatment options, individuals are more likely to seek help without fear of judgment or discrimination. The issue with this is that there is a significant shortfall in mental health providers, even more so BIPOC providers. Per data from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 47% of the U.S. population in 2022 was living in a mental health workforce shortage area. Insurance carriers are being chastised for having “ghost networks.” Ghost networks is a term used in healthcare to describe insurance directories/physician directories that are filled with providers who either don’t actively practice in their listed specialty, aren’t in-network with the insurance plan, or are not accepting new patients.

Remember, destigmatizing mental health is an ongoing process that requires collective effort. By fostering understanding, promoting empathy, and supporting those experiencing mental health challenges, we can create a society that values and prioritizes mental well-being.

Coach T


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