Give Yourself Some Grace
So many times we base our self-esteem and self-worth on what others think and external validation. Society has conditioned us to seek out others’ opinions on and about us and we layer those on top of our internal monologue of worthiness and societal acceptance. The problem with that is at times they begin to suffocate the core thoughts and feelings we have about ourselves and become the dominant voices in our heads.
Life is difficult, even for the most talented of us, and fitting in, acceptance, and praise are often fleeting and based on very skewed, subjective societal norms. There’s the pressure to conform to certain beauty, relationship, and gender standards that might not be the right fit for you and your journey. And finding your place in the world can feel isolating, depressing and give you a sense of not being enough. Worthlessness.
The beauty of the trip that we call life is that you don’t need external validation to be valid. You don’t need anyone or anything to deem you worthy of love and belonging, because regardless of what they think, you absolutely are. You are not worthless just because someone else can’t see your worth. You have intrinsic value that needs and deserves to be shared with the world.
With that, I urge you to give yourself some grace and practice self-compassion. The Behavioral Health Coaches over at Ginger hosted a fantastic webinar on cultivating self-compassion.
Learn how to define self-compassion and use it as a skill to support your goals, and how self-compassion relates to developing a strong sense of self.
Access the workbook here:
Take a look and start affording yourself the grace that you give to others. You’ve got this!
Peace & Blessings
T. Nicole